Submarine Cables - How the Internet Comes Off the Sea (Part-1)

Do you know how the internet came to Sri Lanka? Not from satellites. An island connected to the rest of the world by several cables laid along the sea floor. These are called submarine cables. 
SEA-ME-WE cable system.
SEA-ME-WE (CMV) is the main cable system coming to Sri Lanka. SEA-ME-WE stands for South East Asia - Middle East - West Europe. This cable system runs from France to Singapore. In almost every country an agency (SLT in Sri Lanka) invests in these cables. The size of the investment will determine the capacity of the cable system. At present there are 1 to 5 SEA-ME-WE cable systems in the sea. 
Copper Cables
Copper cables

Long ago these submarine cables were made of copper. The diameter is a little less than a foot. The first cable to come to Sri Lanka was SEA-ME-WE 1. Pottery and Ceramics Solitary copper. This was connected near the Colombo golf course. SLT owned this from Sri Lanka. After a while the capacity of this was not enough. So those countries came together to build the SEA-ME-WE 2 system.
This is also copper. The difference was that it had 2 cables. Thus the frequency was divided into two. This also connects near the golf course. Copper wires such as SEA-ME-WE 1 and SEAMEWE 2 became obsolete due to high cost, future insufficiency of speed and the advent of optical fibers. 

Fiber Optics
Fiber optic cables

Subsequent submarine cables were all fiber optics. First I will briefly explain what fiber optics is. First of all, there is no wire inside the fiber optics. There is an invisible thin layer of glass. So how do you transfer data along this line?
Very simple. Any data can be represented by a binary number like 0110101001. You may have seen that in movies. Data can be transmitted using only one and zero. Think of it this way. You are on one bank of the river. Your friend is on the other side. You want to send him a message 0111010. You're using a flashlight. If the torch is lit 0. If lit 1.

You torch at a specific time Off (0) On (1) On (1) On (1) Off (0) On (1) Off (0) The message 0111010 will be sent to the friend on the other side. Now he has to decode that binary number and find out what you sent.The same method is used in optical fiber. A high-intensity laser beam is sent along the center of the glass. As it turns on and off, it recognizes 1 or 0 on the other side. In that sense, it is a light transmission. Copper wires can't even move with this speed. So over time, all the submarine cables switched to fiber. The old copper cable was dropped in the middle of the sea. Submarine cables coming to us today .. There are several submarine cables coming to Sri Lanka now. This is all fiber.

Stay continue with my next post 'HOW INTERNET COMES OFF THE SEA'....

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