Submarine Cables - How the Internet Comes Off the Sea (Part-2)

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How the Internet Comes Off the Sea (part 1).. 

1) SEA-ME-WE 3 - This landing station is in Mount Lavinia. Due to old age, operations on this will be stopped soon. This is owned by SLT in Sri Lanka

2) SEA-ME-WE 4 - This is the black pipe that runs along the sea in that golf course. If you go to Gulface, don't forget to check out SEA-ME-WE 1 and 2 as well. This too is owned by SLT in Sri Lanka. Most of the work in Sri Lanka was done with this.
3) SEA-ME-WE 5 - This is the newest and fastest one. Speed ​​100Gbps for one wavelength. It can send 80 wavelengths like that. Then the total speed will be around 8 Tbps. But in Sri Lanka 80 wavelengths will not be used for another 10 years. So currently the maximum speed is around 600 Mbps. landing station Matara. This too belongs to SLT in Sri Lanka .

4) Dhiraagu - This is not something that goes around the world. This is a point to point connection. This is how Sri Lanka and the Maldives connect. Sri Lanka owns SLT.

5) Bharat Lanka - This is also point to point. This is Sri Lanka among the tuticorin (Tuticorin) in India. Sri Lanka owns SLT. If there was a bug in 3 and 4 before SEA-ME-WE 5 came, we connected to the world through India through this Bharat Lanka. 6) Bay of Bengal Gateway (BBG) - This is from the UAE to Singapore. This is Sri Lanka's right to Dialog. The maximum speed is said to be 6.4 Tbps. The landing station is in Mount Lavinia. At present Sri Lanka is connected to only 6 submarine cable systems. 5 of them are owned by SLT and 1 by Dialog.

What do these submarine cables look like at sea? These maps show the routes of several of those submarine cable systems. These usually go to the seabed. There are separate international companies with ships and even divers to install and maintain these cables. They are the ones who are spreading submarine control over submarine cables. 

Does a laser light go that far?😲😲
When we hit a torch, the torch light has a maximum distance. Anyone who is farther away will not see this torch light. The same goes for the laser light that goes along the fiber optics (light is not light at all. Suppose it is light for ease of understanding). This laser light also has the maximum distance it can go. The light does not go beyond that. What to do then? That's when repeaters come to our aid.These repeaters have been hoisted all over the sea. Their job is to increase the strength of the weak laser beam they receive and send it back along the cable to the next stop. It uses the optical amplifiers in the repeater. 

How submarine cables damage?? 

1) Rarely do sea ships sail here and there with their anchors in the sea. When that anchor gets stuck in our submarine cable, the cable breaks
Normal fiber is a thin core, but submarine cables are not as thin. This is because of the fiber protection that surrounds it. When you look at this cross section, you can see how many protective covers there are around the thin fiber.
Armor is one such type of cover. This is a metal cover. It is through this metal armor that the power required for the repeaters is transmitted. When electricity travels along a conductor, a magnetic field is created around it. This is also the case. Some people misunderstand that magnetic field. That's it. They think this is a victim and break the cable. These two are the main causes of damage to submarine cables.
So even if that one cable is an accident, there is no reason to be unnecessarily afraid that Sri Lanka will lose the internet because we have plenty of more cables.

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