Popular stars who committed suicide

Many people in the world are tempted to commit suicide for various reasons. These people decide to take their own life when stress is at its peak due to various issues such as personal life issues and various social issues. Many people think that they are in this situation because they have no one to talk to and no one to give them proper advice. This situation has arisen not only among the common people.
Even the most famous people in the world have committed suicide in this manner. The recent death of Sushant, an Indian superstar who committed suicide, proves this.

Marilyn Monroe

How the COVID killed human lives day by day

The COVID-19 virus, which started spreading from Wuhan, China last year, has become a global epidemic in a short period of time and continues to claim human lives.
The number of human lives killed by the COVID-19 virus has now exceeded one million.

Submarine Cables - How the Internet Comes Off the Sea (Part-2)

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How the Internet Comes Off the Sea (part 1).. 

1) SEA-ME-WE 3 - This landing station is in Mount Lavinia. Due to old age, operations on this will be stopped soon. This is owned by SLT in Sri Lanka

2) SEA-ME-WE 4 - This is the black pipe that runs along the sea in that golf course. If you go to Gulface, don't forget to check out SEA-ME-WE 1 and 2 as well. This too is owned by SLT in Sri Lanka. Most of the work in Sri Lanka was done with this.

Submarine Cables - How the Internet Comes Off the Sea (Part-1)

Do you know how the internet came to Sri Lanka? Not from satellites. An island connected to the rest of the world by several cables laid along the sea floor. These are called submarine cables. 
SEA-ME-WE cable system.
SEA-ME-WE (CMV) is the main cable system coming to Sri Lanka. SEA-ME-WE stands for South East Asia - Middle East - West Europe. This cable system runs from France to Singapore. In almost every country an agency (SLT in Sri Lanka) invests in these cables. The size of the investment will determine the capacity of the cable system. At present there are 1 to 5 SEA-ME-WE cable systems in the sea. 
Copper Cables
Copper cables

Drone strikes in the middle of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict

According to foreign media reports, the conflict between the two armies has escalated in the Nagorno-Karabakh region on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan. There, the Turkish Air Force in support of the Azerbaijan ArmyThe situation has escalated with its drone strikes on several Armenian tanks.

Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi arrested

Senior Indian Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi have been arrested in Uttar Pradesh.Indian media have reported that they were arrested on unlawful public charges.
ndian Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi have been arrested by the police under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code today (01), Indian NDTV reported. A 22-year-old girl and a 19-year-old girl were gang-raped and murdered last Tuesday, sparking protests across India.

කියවීමට හෝ ලිවීමට නොදත් ශල්‍ය වෛද්‍යවරයා

උපුටා ගැනීමකි

කේප් ටවුන් හි නූගත් ශල්‍ය වෛද්‍ය හැමිල්ටන් මහතාට කියවීමට හෝ ලිවීමට නොහැකි නමුත් වෛද්‍ය උපාධිය පිළිබඳ ගෞරව උපාධිය පිරිනමන ලදී...
මෙය කෙසේ සිදු වූවාද බලමු. කේප් ටවුන් වෛද්‍ය විශ්ව විද්‍යාලය වෛද්‍ය ලෝකයේ ප්‍රමුඛ ස්ථානයක් ගනී.
ලෝකයේ පළමු බයිපාස් මෙහෙයුම මෙම විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේදී සිදු විය.
තම ජීවිතයේ කිසි දිනෙක පාසලට නොගිය නමුත් මෙන්ම එකදු ඉංග්‍රීසි වචනයක් කියවිමට හෝ ලිවීමට නොහැකි වූ ඔහුට ගෞරව උපාධිය විශ්ව විද්‍යාලය පිරිනමන ලදි.
නමුත් 2003 දී එක් උදෑසනක, ලෝක ප්‍රකට ශල්‍ය වෛද්‍ය මහාචාර්ය ඩේවිඩ් ඩෙන්ට් විශ්ව විද්‍යාල ශ්‍රවණාගාරයේදී මෙසේ ප්‍රකාශ කළේය: “අද අපි ලෝකයේ වඩාත්ම ශල්‍ය වෛද්‍යවරුන් බිහි කළ මිනිසාට වෛද්‍ය විද්‍යාව පිළිබඳ ගෞරව උපාධියක් ප්‍රදානය කරමු.” අසාමාන්‍ය ගුරුවරයෙක්, පුදුමාකාර ශල්‍ය වෛද්‍යවරයෙක්, වෛද්‍ය විද්‍යාව හැදෑරූ සහ මිනිස් මනස පුදුමයට පත් කළ අයෙක්.
මෙම නිවේදනයත් සමඟ මහාචාර්යවරයා "හැමිල්ටන්" යන නම ප්‍රකාශකල අතර මුළු ශ්‍රවණාගාරයම සිටගෙන ඔහුට ආචාර කළේය.